Instructions for dry brushing to eliminate cellulite

Authors: Katjuša Reja Mozetič and Anja Suska

Dry body brushing is one of the most effective methods for reduction of cellulite, because it accelerates the functioning of the lymph and circulation, exfoliates dead cells and accelerates the excretion of toxins through the skin, increases the absorption of anti-cellulite ingredients, tones the skin and accelerates regeneration.

Watch the video that Anja Suska and I prepared and try it yourself! We have also described the procedure for dry body brushing below to reduce cellulite.

Dry body brushing procedure to reduce cellulite:

  • We choose a brush with natural fibers and a handle so that we can reach all areas of the body.
  • We brush for 5-10 minutes before showering or anti-cellulite treatments 3 to 5 times a week.
  • We always brush in the direction of the heart. We start at the feet and gently brush from the feet to the knees. We continue from the knees up the legs. 
  • We repeat the same for the hands.
  • Brush the abdomen in circular motions.
  • Finally, the neck and as far as the back.

Anti-cellulite brushing should be gentle, especially on the most sensitive areas (breasts), however, at least at the beginning, some may experience redness or inflammation. Persist and gradually increase the brushing time so that the skin gets used to it.

If you want to know more about it, what is cellulite in how to get rid of it, read the article How successfully over cellulite?.

We wish you successful victories over cellulite,

Katjuša and Anja 👋

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