
Author: Kristina

Today there is a lot of talk about collagen. You must have come across a cosmetic or nutritional product that advertises collagen as a magical active ingredient. Do you know what collagen is and why it is important?

Collagen is a structural protein that makes up almost a third of the protein in our body. It is one of the main building blocks of the skin, bones, muscles, teeth and other parts of the body. It is easiest to imagine it as a kind of glue, which binds tissues together and gives them flexibility. We know what 16 types of collagen that play different roles in the body. The most important are:

  • Tip I: Makes up 90% of collagen in the body and gives structure to the skin, bones, teeth and connective tissues.
  • Type II: It is made up of more sparsely distributed fibers and is found in elastic cartilage. It acts as a cushion for the joints.
  • Type III: Supports the structure of muscles, organs and arteries.
  • Tip IV: Helps with filtration and is present in different layers of the skin.

The role of collagen in the skin

Collagen is located in the middle layer of the skin, which is called the dermis or dermis. Collagen together with elastin in the skin provides mechanical support and consequently takes care of its firmness and smooth appearance. The production houses of collagen in the dermis are cells called fibroblasts. Collagen fibers are formed by the binding of two amino acids - PROLINE in WISTERY when present Vitamin C.

Nastanek kolagena | Nona Luisa®

The amount of collagen in the skin is hereditary, but it is greatly influenced different external factors. Unhealthy lifestyle, sun exposure and smoking trigger formation in the skin free radicals, which damage collagen fibers and further accelerate its decomposition. In addition to that with aging collagen production naturally decreases as well as his quality.

Mlada in starejša koža, kolagen | Nona Luisa®

After the age of 21, the production of collagen should begin to decrease by 1% per year. The latter is most noticeable to the naked eye right on the skin, as it becomes less firm and elastic and consequently wrinkled. Decreased collagen level it not only affects wrinkles, but also plays an important role in the formation of cellulite. Collagen fibers in the subcutaneous tissue act as a binder between fat cells, and changes in their structure are externally visible as orange (wrinkled) skin.

celulit in gube | Nona Luisa®

How can we stimulate the production of collagen?

Unfortunately, collagen molecules are too large to be introduced into the skin by topical application (admission of the active ingredient only in a certain place of the skin), as they cannot penetrate through the epidermis into the deeper layers of the skin. The good news is that you can we influence the increased synthesis of collagen fibers namely:

  • Food

hrana za kolagen | Nona Luisa®

Eating foods rich in proline (eggs 🥚, asparagus, mushrooms 🍄), glycine (meat 🍗, fish 🐟, eggs 🥚), and vitamin C (citrus fruits 🍊🍋, paprika, kiwi 🥝), because with this we provide a supply of the basic building blocks of collagen and thus have a positive effect on its production.

  • Cosmetics

skvalen za kolagen | Nona Luisa®

Already in ancient Greece, it was noticed that everyone who worked in olive groves had beautiful skin. Modern scientific findings have established that this is because hidden in olive oil the squall, which has almost yes on the skin magical effects. Namely, by applying olive oil to the skin, squalene is only added, as it is produced by itself, but like collagen, it is in short supply every year. Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil therefore, in addition to other compounds that naturally have a beneficial effect on the function and structure of our skin, it also contains the squall, which has lots of antioxidants and with its structure protects the existing collagen in the skin.

With natural cosmetic products that's why we can also fight successfully against wrinkles and cellulite. As already mentioned, they are one of the main culprits for the breakdown of collagen free radicals. Usage cosmetics containing antioxidants she is so great to protect collagenAntioxidants they are chemical compounds (flavonoids, phenols, squalene, vitamin A and E,...) which they fight against free radicals and consequently they protect collagen. With cosmetics, you can use vitamin C - ascorbic acid  we also influence the formation of collagen fibers. Vitamin C acts as a catalyst for the formation of collagen, which means that the reaction does not proceed without it. The use of cosmetic products containing ingredients with a high content of ascorbic acid (lemon essential oil 🍋, brown algae extract, rosehip oil) as well stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin, consequently slows down aging in improves its appearance.

The skin has many important physical functions (protection against external factors, regulation of body temperature, type organ, important part of the immune system). In addition, it also determines the external appearance and thus has a strong influence on a person's self-confidence. Keeping the skin in good condition is important both physically and psychologically. The saying goes with skin "Prevention is the best cure", therefore, by following the above tips and proper skin care slows down the loss of collagen and with this we help to make it our skin healthy, firm in youthful.

All Nona Luisa products contain cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, which protects collagen and prevents it from breaking down. If you want to give your skin some extra care try the following products, which are still additionally enriched with antioxidants:

I wish you pleasant moments with nature,

Kristina 👋  


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